April is sometimes noted as a rainy month, especially in the United Kingdom, from where we get the old saying "April showers bring May flowers." Here in the United States, we may see some rain, but April is especially notable for its association with paying taxes midway through the month, on April 15th. What is lesser known is that the following day, April 16th, is National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD).
April 16th was chosen for this awareness campaign due to another commonplace attributed to Benjamin Franklin: "In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes." While it may feel like April does too much heavy lifting with these two topics set squarely mid-month, in fact NHDD is a great thing, working hard to make life easier (really).
Sponsored by The Conversation Project, NHDD is an annual event designed to remind us all to either complete or review our health care decision documents. The Conversation Project focuses on teaching us how to have these conversations with our friends and family, to ensure our wishes are honored when the time comes. They provide a beautiful variety of guides and sample letters for every situation, as well as videos that demonstrate ways to feel less awkward with this topic. All free for you to use at your convenience.
Take a moment this April 16th (or sooner!) to not only review your current documents, but to visit The Conversation Project to see their amazing work with people having these conversations. While you are there, take a look at their "What Matters to Me" workbook, which offers suggestions and support for people facing serious illness who are looking for a clear way to express what is most important to them. Find the Workbook below: